Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Back to School Bash: Week 1

Hey ya'll! I'm so exciting to be a part of this awesome Back to School Bash linky party with Lindsay Kidd from The Owl Teach! For the next four weeks, we will be blogging about going back to school! Be sure to scroll all the way down to enter the Rafflecopter. There are tons of really great prizes!

So week 1 is all about classroom set-up and organization! Well, I don't know about you, but at the end of each year, I put all of the things I will need to help me set up when we return in one storage container. I have found that setting up has been so much easier knowing that I have all of the necessities in one place. I'm at a year round school, so I've already been at school working away trying to get my classroom set up. Our students return August 5th and our first official day back is today! Ahhhhh! Where did the summer go?!

At the end of last year, I also tried to prep and laminate all of the new bulletin boards I knew I wanted to have. Boy has that been a life saver this week! Not having to print, cut, laminate, and repeat has been a HUGE time saver! Call me crazy, but I also drew a diagram of my classroom and mapped out where I wanted each bulletin board, what paper and border I was going to use, and what was going to go on each bulletin board. This was also a tremendous time saver. I'm quite OCD about the way my room looks and being organized has really helped me this year. 

Looking back at last year's set-up process, I can't believe how much faster setting up my room was this year. Last year I had nothing printed or laminated, I had no idea what I wanted on my bulletin boards, and no idea where all the furniture was going to go. I was so overwhelmed the first day we returned to school that I just shut down and was unmotivated to get started. This year was completely different folks. Being organized motivated me to bring my vision and all that planning I did to life! I'm just about done setting up my classroom and I can not wait to show ya'll pictures of my room!

We'd love for you to link up and share your ideas on how you set up your classroom and organization! 
  • Save the images above and use them on your post to link back to our party!
  • Enter your link below and encourage your friends to do the same!
  • Be a friendly blogger--> visit other blogs in the Linky party and leave thoughtful commentary to the 2 blogs ahead of you and at least 1 behind you!


  1. OOOHHHH..... I can't wait to see pics! We start the 3rd so I understand where you are coming from! My kids are at church camp so I lived in my room today! It is almost done! We go back officially tomorrow.


  2. You are SO smart to have mapped out your bulletin boards and to have printed, cut, and laminated everything ahead of time! I'm sure that is going to make your set-up go soooo smoothly! I can't wait to see final pictures! I'm so glad you are helping with this linky!
    The Owl Teach
